Morgan Street Public School - a K-6 school on a split site - has developed, in consultation with parents and staff, a statement of purpose. The school aims to: provide educational programs that are relevant, enjoyable, developmental and sequential in all subjects; foster a secure, caring learning environment where the rights, beliefs and values of all are to be respected and the needs of students and staff developed; encourage parent participation within the school through communication and through its decision making groups; and create a safe, aesthetically pleasing and functional environment to support the teaching and learning programs. Morgan Street encourages and acknowledges success across all areas of school life. It has strong representation at district level among staff and students and promotes success as a valued aspect of its culture.
Unity of Purpose through Involvement
- To provide educational programs that are relevant, enjoyable, developmental and sequential in the six Key Learning Areas, Across-Curricula and Curricula Related Areas.
- To provide a learning environment that promotes excellence and equity.
- To foster a secure, caring learning environment where the rights, beliefs and values of all are to be respected and the needs of staff and students are developed.
- To provide support to the learning programs and teaching activities by maintaining an efficient and flexible system of organization that considers the needs/welfare of all members of the school community.
- To create a safe, aesthetically pleasing and functional environment for the purposes of the school community.
- To encourage parent participation within the school through effective avenues of communication.
- To involve the community in relevant decision making that influences children's learning and the school's functioning.