Morgan Street Public School

The Future is in Learning

Telephone08 8087 5155


Winter Menu 2019

Lunch orders and recess orders are available from the school canteen.

Children in years 3 – 6 place their lunch orders at the canteen between 8.40 – 8.55.

Children in K-2 place their lunch orders into the Green canteen box in the K-2 foyer before the bell at 8.55.

K-2 children who wish to purchase recess must do so at the canteen before school.

Canteen volunteers prepare the lunches and put them into class boxes.  Parents are asked to write out the child's order on the bags provided by the canteen.  Please ensure that your child is aware that they have a lunch order that they must hand in, otherwise they may become very upset at lunchtime.

A price list is sent home at the beginning of the year.  Any changes to these prices are advertised in the weekly newsletter.

K-2 children can only buy paddle pops, chips etc. at lunchtime from the canteen.  Parents are requested to give their children the correct money if they are buying.  Kindergarten children have no idea about the value of money.  They will quite readily give their money away to a friend or throw away their change.  Kindergarten children have great difficulty buying at the canteen until they are really settled into school routines.

Children in years 3-6 can buy at recess and lunch-time.

The Canteen can always use new helpers.  Any assistance you can give would be very much appreciated, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.  Canteen meetings are held regularly in the 3-6 staffroom.  All canteen workers are encouraged to attend these meetings.



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